England Golf is the governing body of amateur golf in England and is divided into four Regions. Essex Ladies County Golf Association (ELCGA) is in the Eastern Region along with Bedfordshire, Cambs & Hunts, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk.
The ELCGA is administered by a
Management Committee elected annually at an AGM attended by members of clubs affiliated to the ELCGA. Every Affiliated Golf Club in Essex appoints a Delegate to represent it at all ELCGA Delegate Meetings.
Each Club has only one Delegate to represent it at County Delegates Meetings*. These meetings are normally held in February, June, September and November and Delegates are encouraged to attend as many of these meetings as possible. The ELCGA AGM is held in December when all affiliated members are allowed to attend.
All affiliated clubs are equally important, regardless of size and Delegate Meetings allow Delegates the opportunity to share information and concerns they may have.
Delegates provide vital link to ensure effective communication between England Golf, ELCGA and their Club.
Delegates represent their Club’s views at the Delegates Meetings and ensure their Club has a vote on all resolutions. As women
members of Affiliated Clubs are also members of the ELCGA it is important that each Club has an effective avenue for their Delegate to relay details of meetings back to its members. Minutes of these meetings are provided to Delegates and should be shared with their club members via email or displayed on appropriate notice boards.
Although the ELCGA cannot stipulate the period of service for a club Delegate, a period of three years is recommend. This will allow time for the Delegate to become familiar with the workings of the ELCGA. Ideally the Delegate should be a member of their club's Ladies Section in order that they can ensure their Club members are kept up to date with the ELCGA.
Two Delegates are elected by the other Delegates to prepresent them on the Management Committee as Delegate Representive. When vacancies occur this election takes place at the November meeting. This position is usually held for two years as, in
the first year, as well as Delegate Meetings they attend the Competitions Meetings and in their second they will attend Finance Meetings.
At County Delegates Meetings and the AGM, Delegate Representative act as hostesses ensuring their fellow Delegates sign in and are given any paperwork required for the meeting.
ELCGA 2022
*Where a Delegate is unable to attend a Delegate Meeting she may nominate another member of her club to attend in her place.